A planned redevelopment project has appeared in St. Louis City's Planning Commission documents for September 5th's meeting. The largest project is for the redevelopment of the Southampton Presbyterian Church into 18 market rate, loft style apartments within the old church structure itself. The name of the project: Nottingham Lofts. The redevelopment is one of the more unique developments to come out of this development cycle as it reuses a old church as apartment space. The development is situated in the heart of the Macklind Avenue business district which provides a unique environment to live in. Several restaurants, some shops and other special amenities (like an art gallery, ice cream shop and a nearby school) offer current and future residents of Southampton a nice place to hang out.
The development has the support of 14th Ward Alderwoman Carol Howard who says, "I think this use is far more desirable than the potential of a vacant church building in the Southampton neighborhood". The developer is Matt Salviccio whose nearly $2 Million project will reuse both the old church and the old school building. The reason why this project is heading to the Planning Commission is to approve the rezoning of the property from "A"- Single Family to "F"- Neighborhood Commercial District. No retail is part of the project.
No timeline is given to the project but public hearings are in order according to the Planning documents. If this project is carried out, the addition of lofts to the neighborhood would be great considering the growing popularity. I looked at the exterior of the property today and needless to say, the old church needs some work but nothing to much. Window frames need painting and weeds need to be plucked out. Most of the work will be for the Lofts which will be situated in the basement of the Church and the basement and 2nd floors of the old school.

Clementine's Naughty and Nice Creamery

Across the street from the soon-to-be Nottingham Lofts, and next door to the burned out Macklind Avenue Deli, will be a new business to the strip known as Clementine's Naughty and Nice Creamery. Designed by UIC, the building features nice brickwork as well as a modern infill building for Macklind. The Ice Cream shop is a satellite location of the more well known, and main location, in Lafayette Square. I suspect the shop should be open by early November considering how the interior is coming along. Wood framing is mostly in and since the main structure is complete, the project should only take a few months to complete. Either way, Southampton residents will be able to enjoy the ice cream shop soon.
This Clementine's is part of a expansion that will see 4 new locations open up all over the region.