The Clinton-Peabody housing project on Chouteau near Truman is beginning to show its age. Originally built in 1942 and designed to house 950 residents, the complex houses far fewer residents than necessary due to maintenance issues and safety perceptions. Earlier this year, local media reported that the Housing Authority tapped Trivers, and Boston-based Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) as master developer, to reimagine Clinton-Peabody as part of a $100 Million+ investment to improve living conditions, densify the development, and correct mistakes made back in the 40s.
Now, we get out first look at the planned redevelopment. The present Clinton-Peabody complex features 360 apartments spread out over 31 buildings. The redevelopment plan contemplates 350-400 mixed-income apartments in a variety of styles (townhouse, garden-style walk-up units, and standard apartment buildings with commercial space) and sizes (ranging from 1-4 bedroom units), meeting a variety of family sizes and economic needs.
Phase 1 will consist of demolishing four buildings on the block bounded by Chouteau, Dillon, LaSalle and St. Ange and replacing them with three buildings totaling 89-units. This phase could begin in 2024.

As time goes on, Clinton-Peabody will be replaced with a new development that provides modern living for residents and likely increases density.
Beyond Trivers, who's serving as the local architect on this project, the Lamar Johnson Collaborative is leading masterplanning and preliminary landscape design. The plans we see are the result of 8 public meeting workshops which help set the tone for what the future of Clinton-Peabody will be like.
I'll be paying close attention to this development as it's significant for existing residents, the neighborhood, and city in general.
Below is an aerial view of Clinton-Peabody.